Hyperion Foundation - "DisTubeError [FFMPEG_EXITED]: ffmpeg exited with code 1" Error – Incident details

Rin-chan under maintenance

"DisTubeError [FFMPEG_EXITED]: ffmpeg exited with code 1" Error

Degraded performance
Started 3 days agoLasted 1 day



Degraded performance from 12:15 PM to 2:44 PM


Degraded performance from 12:15 PM to 2:44 PM


Degraded performance from 12:15 PM to 2:44 PM

Shaii Classic

Degraded performance from 12:15 PM to 2:44 PM

  • Resolved

    We have fixed Shaii Classic & Shaii. Shaii Classic is now released under version 2.0.0-beta.2 and Shaii is now released under version 2.3.2.

    If this issue/problem (FFMPEG_EXITED) continues to appear/occur, you can visit the Hyperion Lab Discord server and please create your ticket in the forum channel that we have provided.

    Important note for Shaii: We have completely fixed the "FFMPEG_EXITED" issue/error, and we also fixed an old issue where the user cannot request a song/music by using the song/music direct link/URL, but for this fix, it's only 90% completed because the user still cannot request any song/music by using direct link/URL from Spotify. At the moment, users only can request any song/music by using the song/music direct link/URL from YouTube. We'll still be investigating this issue until we identify and fix it.

    Important note for Rin-chan: We've identified another issue on Rin-chan and still need more time to investigate it. As for now, Rin-chan will be unavailable until this issue is resolved. We will keep you posted.

  • Identified

    We have identified the issue and we are working on a fix.

  • Update

    We still need more time to investigate the issue.

  • Investigating
    We are currently investigating this incident.