Hyperion Foundation - Notice history

All systems operational

Domain - Operational



Pandora - Operational

100% - uptime
Jan 2023 · 100.0%Feb · 100.0%Mar · 100.0%
Jan 2023
Feb 2023
Mar 2023

Rin-chan - Operational

100% - uptime
Jan 2023 · 100.0%Feb · 100.0%Mar · 100.0%
Jan 2023
Feb 2023
Mar 2023

Shaii - Operational

100% - uptime
Jan 2023 · 100.0%Feb · 100.0%Mar · 100.0%
Jan 2023
Feb 2023
Mar 2023

Notice history

Mar 2023

Audio Playback Issue
  • Resolved

    We have fixed this annoying issue. And we were (maybe) wrong on the previous incident update, this issue occurs because of the library we use (@discordjs/voice). After doing some research, we saw on their Discord.js GitHub Issues page, and on @discordjs/voice library have small bugs in their code. They have fixed the issue and they bump another version which means we should update it. So, we tested Shaii in our lab (Hyperion Lab), and it seems Shaii is perfectly working as usual. We're sorry for any inconvenience and thank you for bearing with us. If you still keep hearing the audio laggy, sped-up song, etc from Shaii, that is because our server is having an issue with the server provider we currently use. This type of issue is not related to the previous issue (Random voice disconnects). We can't do anything about this one, because we are far beyond fixing this issue, which means it's impossible to fix this type of issue. We only need to wait until they fix the issue.

  • Identified

    We have done a lot of investigations into this issue and this issue arose not from Shaii itself, but this issue occurred due to problems on the side of Discord itself. It seems that Discord has made changes to the Voice Connection side. We've done a small implementation on Shaii. In this implementation, Shaii can play audio again but there is a possibility that when Shaii is playing audio, the output audio will not be as smooth as before such as audio lagging. We will try our best to resolve this issue, and we apologize for the inconvenience.

  • Investigating

    We need more time to investigating the issue for better result. It may take several days to fix it, but don't worry we will try everything to fix the issue. We'll inform you if there any updates from us.

  • Investigating

    We're aware if Shaii can not playing the audio correctly. We're trying to identify what kind of problem Shaii occurred.

Jan 2023 to Mar 2023
